Countless people discover that spending time amongst nature results in them feeling good. Stress and concern seems to disappear when they are absorbed in the wonder of natural surroundings, and their priorities shift, so that they are able to concentrate on what is important in life. People even report that their immune system and emotional health has greatly improved when they have regularly been with nature. Indeed, it would seem that their energy system comes into balance when they walk, sit, or carry out other activities outdoors, somewhere other than in a manmade environment.
Scientific evidence shows that we live in a world of vibrational frequencies, and the rhythm of nature has a healing influence on our spirit and physical body. It is highly likely that vibrations automatically tune the chakra system. Therefore, making an effort to take a stroll along the beach or walk in the park has the potential to cleanse away debris caused by stress, and clear out other imbalances from your energy pathways and chakra points.
You do not have to meditate to reap the benefits of being amongst nature. Nonetheless, you can purposefully concentrate upon soaking up beneficial vibrations that unblock and balance your chakras. Whether you are sitting under a tree or walking, practice deep breathing. Take slow breaths way down into your stomach region, and visualize healing energy flowing from your environment into your body.
If you feel areas where tension resides, imagine nature’s energy streaming into them, flushing out anxiety. You might notice a tingling sensation as nature naturally tunes your system. If so, focus upon the experience until it grows in magnitude.
When you visit places, become aware of how they influence you. Notice whether you feel good in specific environments, as you may benefit from spending extra time in them to let your chakras harmonize. Additionally, recognize when you feel uncomfortable in your surroundings and mentally note what is there that could be affecting you negatively. Ask yourself whether there are noises, sights, colors, smells, textures, or things happening that are transmitting the type of vibrations that are harmful to you.
There may be occasions when you cannot alter the fact that you need to be in an indoors environment. However, being with nature during other periods will be beneficial. At the same time, you can do your best to counterbalance a stressful environment by bringing a little of nature inside.
For instance, if you need to spend time in a high rise building surrounded by stressed people sending out the vibration of anxiety, consider carrying a handkerchief to sniff on which you’ve placed a few drops of essential oil. Lavender, jasmine, or geranium can help you feel good. You can also be mindful of the colors you wear and stick to those that lift your spirits. You may improve matters further by placing plants in your office at work, regularly opening windows to refresh the air, and continuing to practice healing visualization. You can still picture the energy of nature reaching you despite being indoors.
Traditionally, you might cleanse your chakras via meditating while picturing them in turn as appropriately colored wheels rotating. However, you can also clean your energy system using nature whenever you feel the need.